

Saturday, 28 April 2012

About me

Never bothered of doing anything to my “About me” section on social networking sites; but maybe I should try once. Here goes:

I treasure a lot the value of self-reflection. I evaluate on myself from time to time: mind, body, emotions. I do not believe in the idea of simply having the experience can contribute to your personal growth. This also comes to the reason of why I started blogging. This has eventually made me come to love philosophy, too.

I love the sudden feeling of being inspired. After a while, I feel that I am being unfolded, not newly in a way, but more and deeper every time, by my thoughts and understanding in mind through every beginning and end of experiences. It makes myself become more assure of my existence and place in this world and it presents a more positive and logical sense of life. I am still trying to lift the veil of life and I am seeing more of it in my heart, feeling it.

The worst part of me is that sometimes I care a lot about how people think of me. I think deeply in every aspect of circumstances or situation before I take an action. I envy people who do not base their identity on others’ judgment of us and that they can follow their heart effortlessly, just intuitively and freely being. Be confident and have faith in myself are something that I always fail to do. Here goes a quote by J. C. Watts that I always find it very true –

‘Everyone tries to define this thing called Character. It's not hard. Character is doing what's right when nobody's looking.’

So yeah, in most of the time, I am only me when I am with myself.

I also have a less serious side, though. I believe in hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. I always get stunning ideas while doing routine chores, but I often just keep them running wild in my head. I truly appreciate people with a good sense of humour and wit, which they rarely say what exactly they mean and offending others, but making people get the messages they imply. Despite the fact that I have a strong desire of being special and uncommon, I am also, at the same time, the kind of person who is good at imitating actions, good and bad. Well, of course I can differentiate between the both and control myself sticking on the good side (hmm, sometimes).

I am an Asian and English is not my first language. Writing and reading are my indulgences. In some times, you may find my posts depressing and upsetting, but they are not designed to do that, I only want to show my feelings and thoughts - my fantasy. I think I have always spent too much time on the Internet. I often regret it after I find out I still got work left unfinished on my study desk, but will repeat the same action the other day. I love sharpening pencil and drawing straight lines with rulers. The smell of books from the school library always makes me feel good. I do not have a favourite celebrity, at the moment. I used to know a little Japanese but I almost forgot them all after not having lessons for a while. I am a true blue romantic at heart who will give more than I ought to to the right person. I refuse to yell at my significant other or being yelled at.

I think this is pretty much it (my apologies for the randomness above) and I should end now as I have a feeling this list will be an eternal work-in-progress. I am pretty shocked that I have revealed so much about myself because I do not consider myself as a chatty person in real life. I am thrilled and amazed that you have come to this far and tried to care about the thoughts of a stranger in your life. Thank you! I hope this will be a place where you can find your own voice in mine, if not -

Pardon my insensate rambling x

Friday, 27 April 2012

Post One

About three months ago, I met this girl through a common friend. She caught my attention at the very beginning as her English is excellent. She is an Asian yet speaks like a native English person. Eventually, I became more interested in her and discovered her Google blog while I was checking out her Facebook page (just to keep her user name secret for the time being). She writes about mundane aspects of life. Many of her entries also include her feelings, beliefs and things happened around her. Her blog is much like a personal blog; nothing commercial, nothing political. It is just about her.

As I see it, she has been writing for almost two years and her blog has been building reputation as it gains significant traffic from different parts of the world.  Later, I became amazed by her desirable content on her blog and have become a loyal fan of her terrific writing, too. At the same time, I remained curious about how a friend of mine, about the same age as me, can attract, and retain, quality readers to her blog. 

To me, a personal blog always seems like: People click into your site by chance, scan your entries once and won't return. It is hard to get right to readers. I mean, why would people be interested in a stranger's life when one's already so complicated? Yours must be exceptionally inspirational and unique if you get viewers coming back again after their initial visits. Popular blogs, like my friend's, give people a reason to return. People yearn for more of your posts and get enthusiastic about your content. Readers' anticipation become nearly an unquenchable thirst. I then thought that maybe I should start sharing my thoughts, too.

In risk of sounding cliché, I love inspiring people, as much as I love being inspired. I have a lot of ideas but often keep them locked in mind. Starting a blog enables me to share my thoughts and express my feelings. The interaction between readers and I (if I am ever going to have any readers) would be amazing because that implies that my words have built an instant connection among people.

I tried to create a more special domain name but apparently, it failed. Classywoody. Classy is nothing but one of my favourite word, while Woody is my best-loved cartoon character from Toy Story. And as for the blog title - 'Pardon my insensate rambling', again, it is just a random phrase I found in an article; But I believe the title itself does, more or less, suggest the intent of this blog.

I realize that writing constantly is a high-resistance activity, especially when there are so many temptations nowadays.We have all got plenty of excuses to avoid it. But I wish I can keep up the habit and update my blog as frequent as possible.

Peace out.